Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Evidences and Properties Specialist, New York City
Police Department
Occupational Background:
H.S. Math Teacher, Law Enforcement, Sports, Secretary
General of the Dominican National Chess Federation.
Democratic Primary U.S. Congress Candidate, NY 15th
District. Chess Professor at the Catholic University
of de Dominican Republic (Universidad Catolica Madre
y Maestra). Former in charge of Security at Cardoza
Law School. Member of U.S. Navy Reserve. NYC Parks
and Recreations Center Manager.
Educational Background:
B.A. Political Science (City College, City University
of New York) 1995. Graduated in June of 1999 in
Management and Labor Relations, From Cornel University.
Affiliations: (Not supplied.)
Prior Public Experience:
More than 12 years working for Municipal Government.
Center Manager for New York City Dept. Parks & Recreation.
Evidence & Property Specialist, NYC Police Department.
Ruben Dario Vargas
has a wife and three children, one boy 9, and two
girls 8, and 7. Vargas is a man of Principles and
family values, who respect others people traditions,
whether or not he understands their customs.
NYC Council District 10 requires a knowledgeable,
well energized and strong leaders to be able to
successfully face the problems, and concerns of
Washington Heights, Inwood, and Marble Hill’s Community.
Ruben Dario Vargas is that person, the one
who brings everybody together by enhancing Fairness
and Justices for all without exceptions. Accomplishing
equal opportunities for all, mutual respect, and
opposing discrimination of any kind. He would not
do onto others, what he wouldn’t like others do
onto him.
Ruben Dario Vargas, as a City council wants:
1- Improve quality of life by helping
Street safety and Security, fighting Crimes, eliminating
unnecessary noise. 2- Protect the environment:
Clean air and water, vegetations; tough right to
know laws for toxins. 3- Rent Control, rent
stabilization, affordable housing. 4- Seven
days a week Day care Centers. 5- Education:
Smaller classes, uniforms in the schools,, incentives
to keep teachers and incentives for new teachers;
improve safety and security in School. 6- Economic
development: Job creations, Commercial
rent control, business incentives. 7-
Recreations: Five more recreation
centers, increase safety and securities Personnel
in Parks and Recreational Facilities. 8- Protect
immigrants rights, including the good
prenatal care; human rights; and civil rights, as
well as all constitutional rights.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate;
cut for space requirements.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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