Party Enrolled
In: Democratic
(Not supplied.)
Occupational Background:
NYC Department of Health, Housing Preservation Department
Educational Background:
B.A., Lehman College
Affiliations: (Not supplied.)
Prior Public Experience:
School Board Six President
Fellow Residents of
Washington Heights, Inwood, & Marble Hill:
We are all too familiar with the promises, exaggerations,
and ambitions of candidates during the election
cycle. Some candidates get so caught up in “being
all things to all the well connected” that in
the end they stand for empty promises and little
substance. Instead of concerning themselves with
the serious problems and great potential of our
community they rather play to outside interest and
money that influence their decisions on issues that
affect our community. Our community has learned
the hard way that elected officials beholden to
outside interests are more concerned with building
their own riches and organizations than they are
in improving access to quality healthcare, increasing
affordable housing, decreasing class size, building
municipal parking, and providing opportunities for
our youth. My political platform is dedicated to
restoring the role and voice of our community in
the decision making process and to delivering the
services and resources that were squandered by short
sighted and divisive political bickering. Just
as my campaign is people powered so too will my
decisions at the City Council be people centered.
How is Roberto Lizardo’s candidacy different? First
and foremost, my candidacy has been unique in its
direct appeal to all the residents of our community.
Secondly, voters have noticed the thoughtfulness,
inclusiveness, and professionalism that marks our
campaign while others chose the politics of distraction
and illusions we stay focused on the needs of our
community and on the collective process needed to
address these issues. This is why we mailed our
platform weeks ago giving the voters plenty of time
to review, agree, and disagree with us. Thirdly,
I am the only candidate that possesses the combination
of skills to be an effective legislator: proven
public track record of independence, integrity,
competence, and leadership. Lastly, I understand
what it means to be a legislator/ representative
on behalf of the residents of District#10 and I
am untied to the machine, backroom, moneyed politics
that has hurt us all.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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