For this runoff primary election, the City BOE has been approved to use lever voting machines instead of the paper ballots and scanners introduced in 2010.

Separate the voting machine curtains and enter. (The curtains will be closed when you enter and will stay closed. Pull the large red handle to the right (A). Do not move the large red handle again until you finish making all your choices.

Push down the lever next to each candidate you want (B). An “X” will appear in the box next to your choice. If you make a mistake, push the lever back and choose the correct lever.

When you finish making all your choices, leave the levers down and pull the large red handle all the way to the left (C). The levers will return to their original positions, and your vote will be counted. Leave the booth through the closed curtains.
Ballot Marking Devices

Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs) are also available at polling sites to assist voters, especially those with disabilities, to vote independently and privately. BMD ballots will be counted with paper ballots.
Voters access the ballot on a BMD either by seeing the ballot on the display screen or by listening to the ballot with headphones, and mark the ballot using:
- a touch screen and key pad (similar to an ATM, with Braille-embossed keypad buttons)
- a sip & puff device, or
- a rocker paddle
Poll workers will be available to assist voters using BMDs, which will take longer to use than the lever machines (up to 45 minutes). Voters also may vote by absentee ballot if eligible.
For more information about BMDs, call 866-VOTE-NYC (212-487-5496 for the hearing impaired) or visit