- Sal F. Albanese
- Randy Credico
- Bill de Blasio
- Neil Vincent Grimaldi
- John C. Liu
- Christine C. Quinn
- Erick Salgado
- Bill Thompson
- Anthony D. Weiner

Party Enrolled In: Democratic
Current Occupation: Public Servant
Previous Occupation(s): 12 years - US Congressman, representing Brooklyn and Queens; 7 years - NY City Council Member representing Brooklyn; 6 years - Aide to then-Rep. Charles Schumer
Education: SUNY Plattsburgh, B.A. in Political Science
Organizational Affiliations: N/A
Prior Public Experience: U.S. Representative, NY 9th district; City Council Member, NYC 48th district
1. What is the most important issue in the city you would address if elected?
I will be a fighter for the middle class and those struggling to make it there. I grew up a middle-class kid in Brooklyn and went to public schools my whole life. My mom was a public school teacher for 31 years. I know how important education is and what it means for our future. I will ensure we train and pay our teachers well, ensure they have the tools to enforce better discipline, engage parents in a more meaningful way, and focus on early education.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
I put out a book with 64 ideas to help small businesses, lower taxes, protect our neighborhoods, and fix our healthcare system. I'll cut income taxes by 10% for anyone making $150,000 or less a year, paid for by increasing taxes by a reasonable 1% on the wealthiest. I'll cut red tape for small businesses by reducing fines and fees. New York will feature the first single-payer laboratory that will lower costs and provide quality, affordable healthcare for everyone. My 60-20-20 plan will ensure that at least 20% of all new housing is for the middle class and 20% is for those struggling to make it. We will continue to fight crime by using GPS technology to track sex offenders and using DNA testing to track criminals. I will stand up to Albany and Washington to ensure New York City gets its fair share.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I have a proven record of leadership over two decades that will mean results for all New Yorkers. In Washington, I fought for more funding to keep our communities safe, to protect food stamps, and for better healthcare for all. I'm a proven fighter for New Yorkers and I have specific plans to keep our city the capital of the middle class.
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
This Guide lists all candidates who appear to be on the ballot for the primary election based on the latest information obtained from the New York City Board of Elections, even if a candidate did not submit a profile or record a video for the Guide. Profiles and video scripts were submitted to the CFB by the candidates and are reprinted as supplied, except in the case of egregious errors and minor formatting issues, which may be corrected by the CFB. Videos appearing in this Guide were recorded and approved for broadcast by the candidates. All the candidates have affirmed under penalty of perjury that the information in their profiles and videos is true to the best of their knowledge. Website and social media links were supplied by the candidates. The CFB is not responsible for non-working links, although it does correct or remove them to the extent practicable. The CFB removes links that are not campaign-related.
The views expressed in the candidate profiles, videos, and linked materials do not represent those of the New York City Campaign Finance Board.