Party Enrolled In: Democratic
Current Occupation: State Senator
Previous Occupation(s): City Council Member 2002-2009
Education: BA Hunter College
Organizational Affiliations: Knights of Columbus, Knights of Pythias, Masons, NAACP, Sierra Club, Kiwanis
Prior Public Experience: Queens Representative for Mayor Ed Koch, former member, Community Board #7
1. What is the most important issue in Queens you would address if elected?
Queens has not received its fair share of City services - that must change. As Borough President, I will fight to ensure that every neighborhood receives the resources to maintain and enhance our quality of life. I will work to improve our schools including access to computers and Smartboards and end "teaching to the test." Queens needs more healthcare facilities, mass transit and funding for parks, tree prunings, curbs, libraries and youth, senior citizen and veteran's programs.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
Queens is a residential borough. As Borough President, I will work to preserve the character and uniqueness of every community, end overdevelopment and restore the Rockaways. Queens is the home of the City's two airports, yet we receive nothing in return but airplane noise. I will fight to change that and reduce the noise. Using the Borough President's land use role, I will involve civic groups, community boards and residents in the planning process so that everyone has a say in what happens in their neighborhood. No one knows their block better than those who live there - it is about time that the City listens to you. Queens is the most diverse county in the Country. As I have done as Senator, I will work to bring together the different ethnic and religious groups and ensure each community is part of the governmental process and access to funding.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
In a City where the Mayor controls services, it is essential we have a strong independent Borough President to fight for Queens. My proven record as a reformer and independent leader demonstrates my readiness to take on the Mayor, Council Speaker or Governor to fight for our needs. For example, as Council Member, I voted to reaffirm the will of the people by voting against extending term limits. I also voted to protect homeowners and tenants by voting against the 18.49% property tax increase, the largest increase in the City's history.
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
This Guide lists all candidates who appear to be on the ballot for the primary election based on the latest information obtained from the New York City Board of Elections, even if a candidate did not submit a profile or record a video for the Guide. Profiles and video scripts were submitted to the CFB by the candidates and are reprinted as supplied, except in the case of egregious errors and minor formatting issues, which may be corrected by the CFB. Videos appearing in this Guide were recorded and approved for broadcast by the candidates. All the candidates have affirmed under penalty of perjury that the information in their profiles and videos is true to the best of their knowledge. Website and social media links were supplied by the candidates. The CFB is not responsible for non-working links, although it does correct or remove them to the extent practicable. The CFB removes links that are not campaign-related.
The views expressed in the candidate profiles, videos, and linked materials do not represent those of the New York City Campaign Finance Board.