Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Occupational Background:
(Not supplied.)
Educational Background:
B.S. Kent State University; J.D. Atlanta Law School.
Affiliations: Council for Unity; Our Lady of
Grace Athletic Association; Congress of Italian
American Organizations; New York State Trial Lawyers
Prior Public Experience:
Member, Community School Board District 21 since
1989; Past President.
Year after year, I
have worked to make our neighborhoods better, safer
places in which to live. As a member, and former
President, of Community School Board 21, I have
been a leader in fighting to improve our schools,
taking on the Board of Education to get improvements.
I want every child in every school to have the best
possible education.
My hard work for people and neighborhoods has earned
me awards from community organizations all around
our district including:
Boro Park Community Council, Coney Island Boy Scouts,
Brighton Neighborhood Association, Shorefront Friends
of Hospice, American Legion Marlboro Memorial Post
147, Bensonhurst West End Community Council and
the Parents Association of PS 101.
In addition I am proud to have been endorsed by
Public Advocate Mark Green, Assemblyman Bill Colton,
Assemblywoman, Adele Cohen and State Senator Seymour
In the Council, I will be able to do even more for
us. I will push for more community policing and
will work with community groups to identify and
shut down drug selling locations and other illegal
businesses. I will also work to stop racial profiling,
require better police training and eliminate police
corruption and abuse.
I will use my skills to get our community its fair
share of City Budget funds and the services we must
have. I will have a full-time, full-service community
office to help people and improve our neighborhoods.
These are my values, goals and accomplishments.
I respectfully ask you to review my record and ideas,
and I ask for your vote.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC
Campaign Finance Program.
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