Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Chief of Staff, Assemblyman Vito Lopez; Female District
Leader, 53rd Assembly District (D-Brooklyn).
Occupational Background:
Legislative Assistant, Assemblyman Vito Lopez.
Educational Background:
B.A., Pace University, Pleasantville, NY.
Affiliations: Founder and Member, Bushwick Cooperative
Federal Credit Union Board of Directors; Member,
Community Board 4; Executive Director, Bushwick
United Democratic Club; Coordinator, Brooklyn Unidos;
Coordinator, South Side Task Force; Facilitator,
Bushwick Parent Coalition; Facilitator, North Brooklyn
Public Housing Coalition.
Prior Public Experience:
Female District Leader; Chief of Staff, Assemblyman
Vito Lopez.
My history representing North Brooklyn
distinguishes me from the other candidates in
Council District 34. I have unrivaled experience
with the range of issues important to the area,
including education, affordable housing, and economic
As Female District Leader, Chief of Staff for
Assemblyman Vito Lopez, and Facilitator of the
Bushwick Parent Coalition, I have developed relationships
with many public schools and PTA’s. I have worked
for smaller classes, greater parental involvement
in schools, computers for all students, and after-school
and summer programs. P.S. 145, P.S. 376A, and
JHS 50 are among the schools that have commended
my efforts in these areas.
Recognizing the complimentary relationship between
businesses and housing, I support mixed-use construction
as an economic development tool. Businesses create
jobs and services, attracting residents to neighborhoods,
while tenants in affordable housing create customers
for businesses. I also have spurred economic development
in North Brooklyn by helping found the Bushwick
Cooperative Federal Credit Union, a savings and
lending institution. I am currently on the Board
of Directors.
Further, as Chief of Staff for the Chairman of
the Assembly Housing Committee, I have unparalleled
experience with affordable housing solutions.
I have worked to build new housing and protect
and extend rent regulations. Finally, as the Facilitator
of the North Brooklyn Public Housing Coalition,
a group of public housing tenant leaders, I am
well versed in public housing issues.
Numerous public figures have endorsed my candidacy,
including: State Senator Ada Smith; State Assemblymen
Vito Lopez, Adriano Espaillat, Ruben Diaz Jr.,
and Joseph Lentol; City Councilmen Martin Alave
Dilan and Angel Rodriguez; and Reverend Al Sharpton.
Now, I need your help to continue serving North
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in
the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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