Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Teacher, NYC Board of Education
Occupational Background:
Social Studies Teacher; caseworker local community
Educational Background:
B.A., Lehman College; M.A. Adelphi University
Affiliations: President, Riverdale Community
Association; Youth Chair, 50th Precinct Community
Council; President, Vinmont Homeowners Association;
Co-founder, 5 Borough Civics; UFT/ AFT/ NYSUT; Riverdale
Nature Preservancy; Kiwanis Club of Riverdale
Prior Public Experience:
Chair, Environment and Sanitation Committee, Bronx
Community Board 8; Member, Bronx Advisory Committee
to the Hudson River Valley Greenway
Twenty-five years of civic activism have
prepared Laura Spalter to be an effective City
Council member. Spalter is a hard working civic
leader who gets things done. She started a community
association to combat graffiti, fight car theft,
improve public safety, organize a civilian patrol,
and turn a local dump into a thriving community
garden. Working closely with the police and district
attorney’s office, Laura developed a unique Anti-Crime
Court Monitoring Program which sends community
residents to court hearings of repeat offenders
to get career criminals off our streets.
Laura formed a coalition of community groups to
advocate for responsible development, led the
successful battle against the Russian Federation
expansion plan, and has opposed building a filtration
plant in the Bronx. She fought to preserve wetlands,
locally and in the watershed, and to protect the
Kensico drinking water supply from highway construction
and pollution. She accomplished this as a volunteer
while working full time as a teacher at Isobel
Rooney Middle School 80 in Norwood.
Spalter’s priorities in the Council will be education,
city service delivery, affordable housing, and
improved health care services. She will work to
ensure that our children get their fair share
of funding, class size is reduced, and qualified
teachers are hired and retained. She will work
to restructure the Board of Education to increase
accountability. Laura will fight for community
policing and to improve our parks and libraries.
A long-time parks advocate, she signed the Parks
2001 pledge to increase parks’ maintenance budget.
She supports regionally competitive wages for
city workers, in order to stop the loss of talent
to surrounding areas.
“Term limits is about change,” says
Spalter. She will be a full-time independent councilperson.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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