Party Enrolled
In: Democrat
Health Care Executive; State Senator
Occupational Background:
Health Care Executive; Bilingual Teacher
Educational Background:
B.A., Fordham University; Real Estate Institute,
New York University; Wharton School, University
of Pennsylvania
Affiliations: Community Leadership Network —
Founder; Bronx Area Policy Board — Chairman; Bronx
Health Systems Agency — Board of Directors
Prior Public Experience:
State Senator, 1992-1996; District Leader, 1988-1992;
Bronx Area Policy Board, 1978-1991
My entire career in
public service has been a personal commitment to
provide a strong and independent voice to the underserved
and underrepresented communities throughout New
York State. As a health care executive, I have opened
seven medical centers throughout the Bronx that
deliver affordable and quality health care to over
100,000 children and families. As an experienced
legislator, I serve on several key committees and
statewide taskforces that fight for resources for
all Bronx neighborhoods. These efforts have resulted
in increased financial support in the following
areas; education, children and families, housing,
economic development, veterans, seniors, social
services, environment, and crime prevention.
My political vision for the Bronx includes every
person of every creed, race, ethnicity, gender and
sexual orientation. In my mind’s eye, I can see
a new form of governance where Bronx government
is controlled, not by a few, but by all of its people.
Specifically, I will establish neighborhood offices,
staffed by local residents, where the community
can access assistance and become actively involved
in making The Bronx a better place to live. Together
we will fight for affordable and quality health
care, affordable housing, improved police/community
relations, a clean and safe environment, economic
development that results in jobs with benefits.
As the only candidate who is a teacher, I understand
how to achieve results in the classroom. I will
fight for; smaller class sizes, teacher development
programs, safer and modern school buildings, expansion
of computers for learning, and increased parental
Our future is bright and full of possibilities,
if we the people elect a new Bronx Borough President
with vision, experience and the commitment to embrace
every person in every neighborhood that wants to
build a Better Bronx.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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