- Bill de Blasio[D, WF]
- Joseph J. Lhota
- Adolfo Carrión, Jr.[I]
- Anthony Gronowicz[G]
- Randy Credico[TWS]
- Michael J. Dilger*[FE]
- Dan Fein[SW]
- Michael Greys*[F]
- Jack D. Hidary[CS, JE]
- Jimmy (rent is too damn high) McMillan[RTH]
- Joseph G. Melaragno[AT]
- Carl Person[REF]
- Erick Salgado[SC]
- Michael Sanchez*[LBT]
- Sam Sloan*[WV]

Party Enrolled In: Unaffiliated
Current Occupation: Founder/Managing Direct of MetroFutures, LLC.
Previous Occupation(s): Small Business Owner, NYC Public School Teacher, City Planner, Community Board Manager
Education: Bachelor's Degree- Kings College; Master's Degree in Urban Planning- CUNY- Hunter College
Organizational Affiliations: Morris Heights Health Center, County Executives of America, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Org, Bronx DiVA Talk- Domestic Violence Awareness
Prior Public Experience: White House Director of Urban Affairs, Regional Director for the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Two-term Bronx Borough President, NYC Councilmember, Former President of NALEO (National Assoc. of Latino Elected Officials)
1. What is the most important issue in the city you would address if elected?
Reforming education to ensure our young people are prepared to participate in the economy must be a top priority. Education has become more about the needs and wants of a few adults rather than the parents and students who have long been underserved by a failing system.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
New York City must remain affordable for the middle class and those who would come here to make a better life. It also must be a business-friendly city that acts as an incubator for the industries and jobs of the future. We do that by NOT raising taxes and treating our people and businesses like the government's ATM. Our city must be a safe city and a place where innovation creates opportunity.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I will bring the experience, common sense ideas and independent leadership New Yorkers want and deserve to City Hall. New Yorkers have had enough of special interests and the political establishment running the show. Our city is ready for real results and a bold vision for a New York that works better for everyone. It is the mayor's duty to make decisions that improve the lives of New Yorkers. The decisions are never easy, but my track record shows that putting the people first delivers results.
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Not participating in the Campaign Finance Program.
This Guide lists all candidates who appear to be on the ballot for the general election based on the latest information obtained from the New York City Board of Elections, even if a candidate did not submit a profile or record a video for the Guide. Profiles and video scripts were submitted to the CFB by the candidates and are reprinted as supplied, except in the case of egregious errors and minor formatting issues, which may be corrected by the CFB. Videos appearing in this Guide were recorded and approved for broadcast by the candidates. All the candidates have affirmed under penalty of perjury that the information in their profiles and videos is true to the best of their knowledge. Website and social media links were supplied by the candidates. The CFB is not responsible for non-working links, although it does correct or remove them to the extent practicable. The CFB removes links that are not campaign-related.
The views expressed in the candidate profiles, videos, and linked materials do not represent those of the New York City Campaign Finance Board.
- AT = Affordable Tmrw
- CS = Common Sense
- C = Conservative
- D = Democratic
- FE = Flourish
- F = Freedom
- G = Green
- I = Independence
- JE = Jobs & Education
- LBT = Libertarian
- REF = Reform
- RTH = Rent is 2 Damn High
- R = Republican
- SC = School Choice
- SW = Socialist Worker
- SF = Students First
- TWS = Tax Wall Street
- T2H = Taxes 2 High
- WV = War Veterans
- WF = Working Families