- Helen K. Rosenthal[D]
- Harry DeMell*[R]
- Marc A. Landis[WF]
- Thomas Siracuse[G]

Party Enrolled In: Green
Current Occupation: Retired
Previous Occupation(s): Public NYC high school teacher
Education: BA from Univ. of Connecticut, MA from Columbia University
Organizational Affiliations: VP of the Committee For Environmentally Sound Development, Steering Committee of the Retiree Advocate (UFT), chair of the NY County Green Party Organization, Chair of "Shut Down Indian Point Now," Chair of the Rent Controlled Tenants Committee
Prior Public Experience: None
1. What is the most important issue in Council District 06 you would address if elected?
Affordable housing for working and middle class residents
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
1) Introduce resolutions to close Indian Pt Nuclear Power plant and to ban fracking in NYS
2) Phase out coal, oil, gas an nuclear energy to be replaced by solar, wind, wave and geothermal energy
3) End centralized mayoral control, of the public schools
4) End public subsidies for charter schools and their co-location in public schools
5) Require that mayoral appointees to the Rent Guidelines Board be approved by the NYC Council
6) End the income cap on the Senior and Disabled Citizen Rent Freeze to all seniors and disabled do not pay more than 1/3rd of their income in rent
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
As an independent Green Party candidate, I am not beholden to the established political parties nor to big money interests since Greens refuse to accept campaign funding from corporations and big real estate
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Not participating in the Campaign Finance Program.
This Guide lists all candidates who appear to be on the ballot for the general election based on the latest information obtained from the New York City Board of Elections, even if a candidate did not submit a profile or record a video for the Guide. Profiles and video scripts were submitted to the CFB by the candidates and are reprinted as supplied, except in the case of egregious errors and minor formatting issues, which may be corrected by the CFB. Videos appearing in this Guide were recorded and approved for broadcast by the candidates. All the candidates have affirmed under penalty of perjury that the information in their profiles and videos is true to the best of their knowledge. Website and social media links were supplied by the candidates. The CFB is not responsible for non-working links, although it does correct or remove them to the extent practicable. The CFB removes links that are not campaign-related.
The views expressed in the candidate profiles, videos, and linked materials do not represent those of the New York City Campaign Finance Board.