- Rosie Mendez[D, WF]
- Miles D. Budde*[G]

Party Enrolled In: Democratic
Current Occupation: NYC Council Member
Previous Occupation(s): Chief of Staff, Former NYC Councilwoman Dist. 2; Public Interest Career Counselor, Rutgers Law School; Attorney/IOLA Fellow, Legal Services; Tenant/Community Organizer.
Education: Bohnett Fellow, Harvard Univ; Revson Fellow, Columbia Univ; Rutgers Law School - JD; NYU - BA; NYC public schools (K-12); Headstart
Organizational Affiliations: Former member UAW-NOLSW; Former board member: Neighborhood Advisory Board 3, LES United for Peace & Justice, and LES Peoples Federal Credit Union
Prior Public Experience: Councilwoman (2005-13); Chief of Staff to Councilwoman (2000-03); Democratic District Leader 74th AD (1997-05 & 2009-13)
1. What is the most important issue in Council District 02 you would address if elected?
Extreme development pressure threatens our community's character with luxury high-rises and hotels, the expansion of institutional facilities, and the disappearance of affordable housing. NYC Housing Authority developments are also currently threatened by the "infill" proposal to build market rate housing on site. During my tenure I have fought such threats through the adoption of community-based rezoning plans and historic districts and the insistence on strict enforcement of building height and density limits.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
During the next four years I will continue to work on improving our public schools and ensuring that students are taught in well-maintained and adequately sized facilities. Also critical is the proliferation of bars and restaurants that squeeze other small businesses, and when irresponsibly run, detract from residents' quality of life with excessive noise, traffic etc.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I have been an effective legislator for the past 8 years and an advocate and community organizer for over 25. I have a proven record of accomplishment throughout my diverse district and have earned dozens of endorsements from local residents, political organizations and unions - see my website for a complete list. I hope I can count on your vote.
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Participating in the Campaign Finance Program.
This Guide lists all candidates who appear to be on the ballot for the general election based on the latest information obtained from the New York City Board of Elections, even if a candidate did not submit a profile or record a video for the Guide. Profiles and video scripts were submitted to the CFB by the candidates and are reprinted as supplied, except in the case of egregious errors and minor formatting issues, which may be corrected by the CFB. Videos appearing in this Guide were recorded and approved for broadcast by the candidates. All the candidates have affirmed under penalty of perjury that the information in their profiles and videos is true to the best of their knowledge. Website and social media links were supplied by the candidates. The CFB is not responsible for non-working links, although it does correct or remove them to the extent practicable. The CFB removes links that are not campaign-related.
The views expressed in the candidate profiles, videos, and linked materials do not represent those of the New York City Campaign Finance Board.