Party Enrolled In: Green
Occupation: Director,
Child Life Department, Bellevue Hospital, NY
Occupational Background:
Special Education Teacher - 5 years; Child Life
Specialist - 16 years.
Educational Background:
M.S., Special Education; M.Ed., Educational
Supervision & Administration; B.A. Psychology.
Organizational Affiliations:
Board member, New York Chapter Physicians for a
National Health Program (PNHP), Labor Party,
Brooklyn Parents for Peace, Women’s International
League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF).
Prior Public Experience:
(Not supplied.)
Politicians always promise the earth, but
they refuse to address the root cause of our
City’s most serious problems and the main obstacle
to meaningful change: the unbridled power of the
corporations and their control over our public and
private lives. Both the Democratic and Republican
parties are wholly owned subsidiaries of Wall
Street and the large property developers, which
explains why the richest city in the world is
mired in shocking levels of poverty, air
pollution, and dilapidation.
Millions now share the conclusion that corporate
greed is out of control, and that genuine
democracy is impossible as long as politics is
dominated by big money. I see my campaign as a
local expression of a larger effort to build an
independent political movement based on an
alliance of Greens, progressive trade unionists,
student activists, communities of color, immigrant
organizations, and all those committed to
far-reaching social and economic change.
In that spirit, I am proposing a “Six
Billion-Dollar Plan” to dramatically increase City
revenues. If implemented, this Plan would allow
for — among other things - the construction of
much-needed schools and affordable housing, the
expansion of green space, life-saving improvements
in public health, and deserved pay increases for
teachers and other workers.
My plan proposes the reintroduction of the Stock
Transfer Tax removed by the Koch Administration,
calls for an immediate end to the scandal of
“corporate welfare”, and requires millionaires to
pay a lot more personal income tax. Finally, the
City should declare a 12-month freeze on its $4
billion-per-year debt servicing requirements.
These are radical proposals designed to deal with
serious problems. I urge you to become an active
supporter of my campaign. www.electgloria.org. 718
369 2998
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
Participating in
the NYC Campaign Finance Program.
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