Republican Independence
Party Enrolled
In: Republican
Occupational Background:
Director of General Dentistry in the O.R. at
Flushing Hospital Medical Center; Private practice,
Sunnyside, Queens
Educational Background:
DDS from New York University, College of Dentistry;
BA in Biology from Drew University, Madison, NJ
Affiliations: American Dental Association;
Academy of General Dentistry; Metropolitan
Republican Club; Gramercy Park Republican Club;
Museum of Modern Art
Prior Public Experience:
I’ve lived in
district 2 for the past 12 years and have seen,
first-hand, the significant improvements Mayor
Guiliani’s courageous reforms have brought to our
city. I want to build on the positives of the
Mayor’s successful term in office.
These positives include:1) continuing to keep crime
on it’s unprecedented downward trend, 2) continuing
to clean up our community, which has significantly
improved our overall quality of life, 3) continuing
to lower tax rates in our city to levels that fairly
fund needed services, but encourage governmental
reform and efficiency, and 4) fighting to try to
improve our educational system through competition
using a combination of reform methods.
I am a pro-choice, socially moderate candidate who
wants to replace the stagnant policies of our
present big-government politicians with energetic
new ideas and leadership.
The Democratic incumbent in my race espouses that
type of politics, which led this city in the wrong
direction for many years. We need to insure that we
elect city council-members, like myself, that will
continue, and not reverse, our city’s recent
My independent thinking and my experience as a
life-long New Yorker make me highly qualified for
this important role. Using conservative governmental
methods, we as a community can fix what government
has failed to fix.
Reforms in city government may be politically
delicate, but they are achievable. We need to
balance helping those who are in need, as New
Yorkers always have, and at the same time, keeping
true to the beliefs that have made American
democracy successful for more than 200 years.
(Statement reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)
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