You have the right to vote in the September 10, 2013 primary election if:
You are a registered voter and you are enrolled in a party that is holding
a primary.
You are inside your polling place no later than 9:00 p.m. on September 10th.
In any election, you have a right to:
Be assisted by any person of your choice (except your employer or union
representative), including a trained poll worker, if you need help to vote.
If you need an interpreter, BOE interpreters are available to assist voters
at selected sites. Call 866-VOTE-NYC for more information, including
which polling sites have interpreters available and for which languages.
Ask election workers how to vote.
Bring materials with you, including this Voter Guide.
(Please take these materials away with you when you finish voting.)
(Please take these materials away with you when you finish voting.)
Vote even if the voting machine is broken.
Vote by "affidavit ballot' if your name is missing from the list of voters
at your polling site.
You may have to show identification to vote in this election
if you are voting for the first time at your polling place.
If you cannot or choose not to show identification, you have
the right to vote by affidavit ballot.